Prayer time in Germany new app helps you stay on top of your prayers by providing timely prayer alerts and useful tools such as finding the Qibla direction. Accurate and fair Salat:- Displays hours for Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.- Select the city quick and easy:- Select your city manually from a list of six million cities in 251 countries, or be located automatically using your GPS._ Salaat first 2016_ parayer times - Memorize your favorite cities.- Notifications & Adhan:- Enable notifications to be notified when the next salat came, and so never miss prayer.- Select the prayers for which you want to be notified.- Wake up to the sound of the alarm before Fajr.- Direction of Mecca / Qibla:- Use the compass to know which direction to pray.- Indication of the distance between your position and that of Mecca.